AssetWise Implementation Guide

Configuring SQL Server for FTR

Configuring SQL Server for FTR requires that you:

  • Set up a SQL Server database with FILESTREAM storage enabled
  • Download and install the iFilters for the file types you want to index

In previous versions, AssetWise used Microsoft Indexing Service to store the text that was indexed from files in a SQL Server-based community. That method is no longer supported. In the current version, text from these communities is now stored in a SQL Server database where FILESTREAM storage is enabled. Specifically, text is stored within a FileTable within the selected database.

You can either use the same database for both the community and the FTR FileTable, or you can use one database for the community and a separate SQL Server database for the FTR FileTable.

Note: The FTR FileTable gets created in the SQL Server database as part of the FTR configuration that you perform in AssetWise System Management Console. See Configuring the FTR Service .

Database Mirroring and FILESTREAM Storage

SQL Server does not support using FILESTREAM storage in a database mirroring configuration, therefore you must do the following to configure FTR if you are using database mirroring:

  1. You must use a separate SQL Server database (and not the community database) to store the FTR FileTable.
  2. You must add this SQL Server database as a linked server by executing the following command on the mirror database server:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver  @server = '<dedicated FTR server name>'
Note: Microsoft plans to deprecate the database mirroring feature in some future version of SQL Server.